Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Boobs...They Are Awesome.

Yep. Me again. I sure wish I had more time to blog. I have so much to tell you guys! And lots of photos to back it up!

For now I will just let you know that I participated on Twitter to be part of the Ellen Mosaic…THE ELLEN, like MY FREAKIN HERO, Ellen!

And I was put on…right in her boob/cleavage area…PERFECT!

You can also go to the website, here.

HOWEVER, when I look in that location, I do not see me, but find an onslaught of photos of Justin Bieber. What kind of sick folks are working for/with Ellen?!? It still made me giggle. Especially since there is a website called Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber. Hilarious.
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