Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hello Blog, My Old Friend.

Basically, I don't have much to write about!

We moved into a fabulous new place here in is huge! I love it! Our petting zoo is finally in place as well. Because we now have a WONDERFUL roommate, Bobby, we have increased our animal population 150%.

Let us count:

4 Ferrets (Me and Krystal)
5 Ferrets (Bobby)

Total: 9 Ferrets

3 Cats (Me and Krystal)
2 Cats and a kitten (Bobby)

Total: 5 Cats and one kitten (going to a new home this week)

3 Geckos (Bobby)
Countless Fish (Bobby)

Total: 3 Geckos and Countless Fish

Soon to be added: a frog tank with one frog

We are currently charging a 6 pack of beer or monetary donations that go TOWARD a six pack of beer (or 12, 18 or 24) OR you can just come over and marvel at the amount of animals we have. We are constantly amazed ourselves.

Thankfully our pimp palace is large enough that the ferrets have their own room and the cats spread out evenly about the over 1,300 sq ft space. That basically translates that they each have a pile of fur on each sofa from laying in their respective places all day.

SPEAKING of fur...Furmintator. I waited until my friend Larkin bought one for her dogs...went over and checked it out...and DAMN! I am ordering mine as soon as I have more than $2.00 to my name! That thing was AWESOME! Am I paying $45.00 for that thing? HELL NAW! E-Bay and Amazon bitches! I can get one for about $18.00! It is guaranteed to reduce shedding better than any brush, rake or comb. I don't have dogs...and when I first read that part about a rake, I was quite confused. I went and looked it up.


Well, I have written about a whole lot of nothing...I will try and come up with something a little more thought provoking in the future.

Bye kids!
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