Thursday, April 26, 2007

Do you see what I see?

People! Do you see what I see in this picture...BESIDES Krystal's butt?!?!

Sushi right next to the strip much more PERFECT can it get??!?!??!

I am ready to move to L.A. for this reason ALONE. (the picture was taken in L.A.)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Strip Wars - A Disturbance In The Force

Saturday night was our friend Curry's birthday. We went to this cute lil joint called Jazz'd Tapas Bar. There was about seven or eight of us. I only knew Curry and our other friend Chita.

Anyway, the Jazz'd bar area was cute as all get out and I really liked the place in general…take a gander at some of their pictures if you have a chance. By the way, I have no idea what a Tapas is so I looked it up: Tapas (pronounced TAH-pas) is the name for a wide variety of appetizers in Spanish cuisine. There you have it!

Anyway, so we were there for a hot minute and then we all decided to go to The Bar Bar. I have written about this bar before…it is one of my favorites. I had a few more drinks there…met a nice guy named Matthew who had a long discussion with me about dog training. I know…always a fun convo to have at the bar. I also talked with Mags another friend of ours about education in Chatham County and how it sucks ass. She told me that she has a friend that teaches in Chatham and apparently 3rd grade is a the appropriate age group to start smoking crack. They actually know how to smoke crack. That blows my mind - I don't even know how to smoke crack!

Finish at The Bar Bar about 2 am – they are closing and our party is still bumpin, where to go, where to go…ahhhh THE STRIP CLUB!! Wahoo! Only the folks we are with want to go to The Gold Club so Krystal and I stop by Temptations on our way to The Gold Club…I mean we have to pass right by it after all…so may as well stop by and see our girls! So we get in free cause we know the DJ and all…how great is that! Go in and start looking around and we don't recognize any of the dancers. I tell ya, leave for a few months and everything changes! So I ask DJ Justin casually who is new and who is gone and such. What he tells me next just made my heart drop…yep, Trinity, my girl, the #1 stripper in my life – gone.

Lets all take a moment for the heartache I had.

Yes, I said HAD…lo and behold he continues his sentence and she is working at The Gold Club now. How convenient! That is where we are going to meet our friends! We go down the road about two more miles and there on the left is The Gold Club. The first great and wonderful thing is that couples get in free…so after Krystal and I proved that we waltzed our happy booties right into the joint. Very nice place! Big open stage in the middle, large projection screen (playing basketball) and all along the walls on the right side of the building are these rooms…about 10 of them that have glass French doors opening up into them and since they are all glass you can see all that is going on in the rooms…that is FUN! Makes me feel like a bit of a voyeur…oh, but who am I kidding, I really am kind of a voyeur. So I continue my search for THE stripper and…I find her…coming out of one of the rooms. So I wave and casually walk by like you know I was just THERE for no reason what-so-ever…and she calls out my name and jumps up and down as we do that greeting like all the high school cheerleaders did where they jump up and down and scream…ok, well it wasn't quite like that, but it was a pretty forceful hugging session. Apparently she missed us. She asked how Larkin was – so sweet. Then I tried to walk away, cause she started talking to the guy that walks around and looks in those French doors…I guess quality control? Anyway, she started talking to him and so I started walking away...but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back in. "Everytime I try to get out…they pull me back in"…but back to my story. Trinity comes over and speaks to all the girls…especially Chita and Curry and tells Krystal and I that we always bring in the coolest people…well, yeah, I mean, DER! We are freakin cool as all get out. So we chit chat like the olden days (two months ago) and she dances for us.

We all sat around for our dollars and as she was coming by she leaned down and explained that she wasn't sure about the rules at this place since she was new. In other words she didn't know if she was allowed to take our tops off (as she normally does) and give us the ol one two we were used to. I told her she needed to find out about this rule. Trinity said she really wished she could take our tops off (or HER (Trinity's) bottoms off…there is some dispute as to what was said) and Curry responded with, "Praise the Lord, I do too" which really made us all laugh, including Miss T herself.

We left at 5 AM.

Friday, April 6, 2007

The Rainforest

I went to the rainforest last night...I didn't know I was going to be visiting one, but I did. NO, I wasn't drunk! Puleez! Me?

Anyway, Jenny and John had to find a different hotel last night, but it turns out that it is Spring Break and all the other fuckers in the world had taken up all the rooms in the entire Savannah area.

They finally found a room at the Atlantis Inn Bed and Breakfast. (I think it was probably called The Pink Flamingo at some point in time) WOW.

OF COURSE I took some pictures. Each room has a different theme. Theirs was "The Rainforest". (amongst Safari Room, Gone With the Wind, Hog Gone Wild, and Electric Horseman and other themes) They had a beautiful water fountain/water fall in the room. Jenny and I felt it was a pituresque moment in front of the streaming water, much to our delight the picture came out quite nice. As John said, the water really added to the ambiance of the room. The bed was round with green velvet covering on the headboard and base of the bed. There was also a mirror above the bed. I am sure there has been lots of freaky monkey love in that there rainforest room. There was a lovely hot tub in the room, which they used to store all of their clothing on. All in all, I was speachless.

I forgot to mention that the night before while Jenny, Krystal and myself were getting drunk at Mellow Mushroom, John decided to take the beach cruiser bike they rented down to another bar. Somewhere along the way he crashed and got run over by a car. I know, how could I forget to mention this?!? Anyway, turns out he tore his rotator cuff in his shoulder and has scrapes from his head to his toes and a lovely handle bar indention in his belly. It was a pretty darn funny story though. Apparently right after he fell, some construction worker was standing over him and was like, "Dude, you ok man?" HA!

So anyway, you should check out the rest of the rooms at the Atlantis Inn. You too will want to pack up and speed down to Tybee Island for the theme room of your choice. They still have vacancies!! HURRY!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Monday is here...

The pollen! My goodness! According to Weatherbug our pollen count is in the high range at 10.6. Whatever 10.6 means. According to the HeathFAQ on that number represents grains per cubic the thousands. SO, I THINK, mathmatically speaking, we have 1,060 grains per cubic meter. Explains why all of our cars, despite the color, are a gross puke yellow. I don't have my camera with me today...otherwise I would show you the Pimp'in Protege, which is black, in all of its pollen-coated glory. I have no idea where that pollen picture came from - it was one of my random pollen image searches on Google, but my god man - look at that hand print! You know what they say about big hands...exactly. Big gloves.

OK, so I have really been enjoying my time here in Savannah. I have to mention one of my favorite places to go and grab some lunch. BUT, before that I must explain that I am so poor these days that we have started going through Krystal's change to eat. I have paid in quarters for food for three days now. Today was a Parker's "The Sicilian" panini. YUM! Parker's is like the mac daddy of ALL convienient stores. You can see from the previous picture, which by the way, is the ACTUAL store I went to today, that it looks very unlike most gas stations. They have freakin EVERYTHING in that store! Like shopping for cool shit to put in your house, to wine, to like a buffet of soul food that is soooooooo good, to cakes and desserts out the ass! I checked this place off as one of my favorite things about Savannah. And there is so much more! Like World Market. I love me some World Market! Dude, the beer selection there is from all over the world - hence, WORLD Market, but anyway, it totally makes my tummy tickle to even walk in the place!

How about some Tybee Island too? Yeah, that has been my Sunday for the past two Sundays...beach, beer, beach, beer, sit, beach, beer.

Now if I just had money...
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