Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Another Brick In The Wall

Guess who FINALLY got to see Roger Waters of Pink Floyd perform the ENTIRE Wall album last weekend?! This biznitch. And about 20,000 other people that night. I have been waiting for almost a year to see Roger in concert and it did NOT disappoint! 

I would like to thank my friend Justin who so graciously invited us (me, Krystal and Larkin) and also took care of booking the tickets and took the concert photos below!

Justin and I have been friends going on about 13 years now and have been to a 1.238 billion concerts together. Justin, or Juice as we like to call him (not sure how that came about really), is a high school teacher, therefore, he gets 60 some odd days, in a row, to sleep in, go to concerts, watch TV, travel...basically live as I would if I had won the lottery. We are very thankful that he chose to include us in the first half of his Summer Concert Series...it was a BLAST!

When I was a wee lass, I used to get up on Saturday mornings, sort through my parents albums (Frisbees as I believe they are called today. OR giant beverage coasters) and in between Lynyrd Skynyrd and Stevie Wonder was a curious bit of music played by a curious little British band called Pink Floyd. I grew up in a communist home without a television, so on Saturday mornings it was Legos, Lincon Logs and music.

Seeing as I was only about 8 years old at the time, I had no clue who any of the bands I listened to were, what they were about, and really, what 8 year old cares about that shit anyway?! So I say that is how you determine if you have a bad ass band or not...if an 8 year old continues to pick out your album weekend after weekend, you just might have something going for ya!

If you have never seen the movie "The Wall" some of the pictures may not make sense to you. So, you can either go watch it right now and then come back, OR you can just enjoy the pictures and trust me when I say that he did a SPOT on job recreating his movie from long ago.

The basic premise of the stage set up is that there is a wall, said wall is built up and up and up throughout the show and at the end said wall comes crashing down.

On a side note, I almost had to punch a lady in her vagina at the concert. I am truly not a very loud person. I have a good time, but as far as trying to be the center of attention (despite what you may glean from this blog) I don't seek to be in the spotlight. That being said, I was leaning over to speak to Larkin during the beginning of the concert to explain a little about what was happening during the show and the lady next to me, who was falling asleep whilst waiting for the concert to start, leans over to me and says, "I paid a lot of money for these tickets and I would really like to listen to the show" NOW, this is not an unfair request...I do apologize if my talking was interrupting your listening pleasure, HOWEVER, this is not a movie theater, church or a fucking funeral, this is a LOUD ASS CONCERT. I really must state again that I was not screaming or being unreasonable in my speaking and was absolutely flabbergasted at this lady. So, in true passive aggressive fashion, I pointed my thumb back at the lady and yelled down to Larkin, Krystal and Justin  that "THIS LADY HAS ASKED THAT WE SHUT UP!" And then proceeded to sing my little heart out, as one usually does in a concert. Thankfully she didn't ask me to stop singing or dancing or she would have been high fived in the face with my elbow. Not really, I am not a fighter. But I did ask that Krystal switch seats with me after intermission...to which grumpy concert lady was late getting back to...and since it was all dark and stuff, I again, in extreme passive aggressive fashion, tripped her. Twice.

Larkin: "Did you REALLY just trip her?!? Me: WHO? ME?

Giggles ensued.

Our first pictures shows what the wall looks like upon entrance

Just a little blip of all the semi trucks they use to move the set from city to city

At the end of the night when they were backing the trucks up to the bays and loading up. It was an art form.  

Opening of show...FIREWORKS!


Another Brick in the Wall - Part II

The wall almost built all the way up

Mr. Roger Waters







We ate and drank at a place called Shipyard Brew Pub. Spectacular place!! 
A must stop if you are in the Orlando area!

Another Pit Stop!!!

We ate and drank here in St. Augustine, Florida


From yesterday. Larkin took a picture of this car, which was packed to the BRIM with cans that this lady was taking for recycling. 

Mostly Icehouse. All the way hilarious.

Michelle and Larkin's rendition of what happens when you get into the bath salts:

Friday, June 8, 2012

Saturday Night Shenanigans

So last weekend we all went out to celebrate Whitney's 17th graduation from the Savannah College of Art and Design.

OK, just her second graduation and this time with a Masters Degree making her a masterful Jedi in the art of film making. Don't believe me?! PEEP DIS SHIT:

I totally could have posted sixteen baquintyzillion more photographs, but I think you now understand her Jedi abilities. Beyotch can climb trees and has a fancy blue walkie talkie...so back the fuck up.

So, in fine fashion we ate our backs out at Wild Wing, wherein we presented Whit with a lovely sugar confection:

Krystal's ninja like photobomb

We attempted to actually spell out Congratulations, but about three seconds into discussing it 1) I dropped one of the A's or something and 2) she graduated from ART SCHOOL...they don't know how to spell! JUST KIDDING. SORT OF. NO, JUST KIDDING. SORT OF.

After getting high on sugar, we decided to make the rounds to the various bars in the area. We met some interesting people that night. All were notable, but we failed to take pictures with them...however, upon reaching our final destination, we had to stand in line for a short while and were able to capture this:

Me and Krystal's interpretation


Going for it...going for it...

Crotch grab success!

And then he left her...

And shortly after he left her, she apparently emptied the contents of her stomach right about where he was sitting. I didn't witness this atrocity, but when I went out to smoke the evidence was clear.

And that was our Saturday Night Shenanigans.

Also, another congratulations to the Whitney aka Whitster aka Dancy McGee Hess on your Master's Degree!!
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