Friday, August 6, 2010

FOR Real This Time!

I am FOR realz for realz gonna start posting more! I am a WEEK late on posting shiznit from last weekend! I didn't even get to tell you that me, KK and the Bobz drove to Charleston, SC to meet up with Kat and The Man! That's right bitches and hos, we fucking rocked Charleston!

I know three things for sure: 1) They have London style cabs in Charleston. Who knew!? 2) Everyone in the group really gets a kick out of grabbing boobs and 3) we can out drink Kat's Man! Muhahahahaha! Of course, I COULD mention the fact that he has been deployed and hasn't got his drinking mo-jo back, but it is more fun to say that we out drank a military man.

We forgot a REAL camera, so the night was documented with my camera phone. Eh, better than nothing!

And on a side note, I am like thiiiiiiiiisssssss close to winning a metal ashtray from Marlboro. They are doing that summer give away thing they do every year. I still haven't told them that I don't smoke Marlboro. I just really like the stuff they give away.

The Bro Joe and his wife, Ana, have officially moved to Puerto Rico. Sure will miss those two little shits. Speaking of little shits, between me and you, I think I might be an Aunt! No blood tests yet...but the possibility it good!

Before they left for PR Joseph, Jacob and Ana got together and took some GREAT are a few:

My Handsome Boys

Beautiful Couple



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