Thursday, April 24, 2008

My New Band Name

Audible Exasperations.

No, I can't play or sing.

No, I don't have anyone in my band.

But when I do, this will be the name.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hey kids! I went to see Rush in Jacksonville, Florida last Thursday night! Thanks to free tickets and many thanks to Justin, this concert was possible. There was fire and lasers...really nothing more needs to be said, but I will continue anyway...

I know Rush is ancient. This is what makes this concert so GREAT! Seasoned musicians who can PLAY and play WELL! It was quite possibly the most amazing show I have ever seen. PLEASE do not tell Collective Soul that I said so...because I have always said that they had the best show on earth. So shhhhhh.

This man, Mr. Alex Lifeson, is a GOD on the guitar!

Geddy Lee, lead singer and musician extraordinaire! He plays the bass, keyboard and sings, sometimes all at the same time! It is quite amazing!

And drummer Neil Peart

and the most amazingly big drum set I have EVER seen!!!!

It was an AMAZING show!!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Seattle/Denver Vacation Review

I tell ya what…that Da Vinci was a nut for only sleeping 15 minutes at a time. I am absolutely exhausted from my "vacation".

It started bright and early…actually, pitch black and early, last Tuesday at 4:00am. The plane was leaving Savannah at 6:00am. We had packed the Jeep up the night before, like the smart lil shits we are, and so we were ready to roll at 4:15am.

We got to the airport and checked all the luggage in, which consisted of one big rolly piece and a HUMONGOUS snowboard bag with all Krystal's gear in it. It was seriously big enough to put a dead body in and it was just as difficult to manage as IF a dead body was actually in it. We stopped and got some breakfast at the walk up Burger King. Soon after that we were up in the air and on our way to Atlanta.

We took some Lunesta when we got to Atlanta, as we wanted to sleep in preparation for our day in Seattle. We would be arriving in Seattle at 11:00am Seattle time, therefore we had a whole day to be prepared for. We only took a half a pill each. Our seats weren't together on the plane for some odd reason, but when we asked folks to switch with us, none were very anxious to help. So we sat in different seats. That was OK since I didn't even make it past the plane taxing out. Face down on the food tray. That Lunesta doesn't play. I slept most of the 5 hour flight out to Seattle.

Once we arrived in Seattle and got our luggage, my wonderfully most wonderful friend Annie came and picked us up with the most precious baby boy I have ever met in my life, Matthew. I love him so very much! We rode around Seattle and did some errands and by the time night came, we were pretty exhausted. Please note: 3 hour time difference!

The next day we did some touring of downtown Seattle with Annie and Matthew. Krystal had never been to Seattle, so it was nice to show her some of the sites.

We also met Annie's husband, Mike, whom I love and totally approve of! We got to see Annie's sister, Steph, whom I haven't seen in quite sometime, along with her baby boy Dylan, aka my boyfriend.

We left on Thursday morning at 5:00am to head to Denver. We got to Denver at 11:00am or so, (please note: time has changed again, we are now 2 hours different than EST) Unfortunately, our luggage failed to make the flight from Seattle to Denver, but they were able to track it for us and let us know it would be in around 4:00. They offered to deliver it to us. I asked how long that would take and they said that there was a 6 hour window in which it would be delivered. "SO..", I say to Joel the very short Nigerian man that was in charge of handling all lost luggage for Alaskan Airlines, "First of all, you couldn't get the luggage on the plane in the first place and I am going to trust you to deliver it to me in downtown Denver?" "Not to mention, you are going to take six hours to do it?!?" "You do realize I will need my underwear before 11:00 at night, don'tcha Joel?" I was actually just teasing him because I really didn't need my underwear and plus, they have Wal-Marts. All in all, I let him know that we would be back to pick up the luggage later.

We did get our luggage and it was safe and sound and all underwear was within. WHEW!

I met Krystal's friend, Allison, whom we were staying with in Denver, and we went and got some lunch at this fabulous placed called Hamburger Mary's. We met some of Allison's friends there as well…this was a continuing theme for the vacation; Allison has lots of cool and awesome friends whom I now love! Later that night we met up with my pen-pal, of 18 years or so, June and her boyfriend Kyung. We ate Mexican food and caught up on the years. The next day we went to Keystone so Krystal and Allison could go snowboarding. It was absolutely BEAUTIFUL in the mountains. Just like the post cards! I was personally impressed with the fact that there was a bar at the top of the mountain. I always scoffed at those who did rock climbing and mountain climbing always stating that if I was ever going to climb a mountain there better be a bar or Starbucks at the top. Low and behold, a bar! On the top of a mountain! BLISS! My plan was to do a little bit of tubing when I was up there, so I went to the tubing area and was told that they were closing down, but the nice little hippie guy at the counter told me I could go ahead and do a run – for free might I add – THANK YOU TWO BREAST OF MINE! I love being a girl! Tubing was insane! I loved it! They take pictures of you going down, I didn't purchase mine, but it looked something like this. Except I wasn't on my stomach.

Later on that day, (My homey Dr. Dre came through with a gang of tanqueray…)(Sorry, got side tracked) when we were coming home, we stopped at this placed called Beau Jo's for a Mountain Pie (called pizza in the South) where I had the most fabulous pizza in my LIFE. They have honey on the table so when you are done with your pizza you can put honey on the crust. Dinner and dessert in one. If you think this sounds weird, it is, but it tastes sooooo freakin goooooooood. I couldn't stop eating the stupid crust! As a matter of fact, I took all of Krystal's and ate hers too. It was amazing!

June took us on a tour of downtown Denver on Saturday evening. What a beautiful city. I got to see where Real World Denver took place. I saw all the stadiums for baseball and football. I got to see where the Democratic Convention is going to be held this year. It was an amazingly clean city too!

For dinner June invited us over to her and Kyung's place. We had beer, food and were very merry! It was good to catch up. Krystal and Kyung talked about animation and all that fancy stuff and June and I took some time to just be in each others company, since it probably will be a while until I see her again.

June dropped us off at The Cheesecake Factory, where Allison works, and we had some cheesecake and beer, surprisingly good combination. She got off work around 2:00am and took us home. We had to be up at 4:00am, so it was somewhat pointless for me to even go to sleep, so I didn't. When I got up to enjoy an early morning cigarette I noticed that it was SNOWING! Beautiful, fluffy snow! It was an awesome site!

We made it to the airport on time, but when we got our tickets we noticed that we had to go to the gate to be assigned a seat. Fearful that we would, once again, be stuck sitting by strangers and not together, we were slightly dismayed. We grabbed some bagels and waited for our named to be called to find out our seat arrangement. We received our ticket and proceeded to get on the plane. We took a right into coach seating and realized the seats started at 19. Our seat tickets said 1A and 1B. WTF? I turned around and asked the flight attendant where seats 1 were and she pointed behind her…into FIRST FUCKING CLASS! That’s right kids! We were upgraded to first class for no damn good reason at all. We didn't pay for it. We didn't ask for it. So, at this moment, I would like to thank that lovely white, short brown hair, kinda plump, but lovely woman that worked the Delta flight to Atlanta on Sunday, March 30, 2008, for being SO SWEET and assigning us seats in first class. You rocked my socks! Did you know I had not been to sleep that day? Did you know I was fearful of how grumpy I was going to be on the 3 ½ hour flight home with no sleep? Well, whatever it was, kind lady, I totally love you for it! I was elated at the prospect of free alcohol, albeit 6:20 in the morning, as well as the personal service of being a first class passenger. Needless to say, I was asleep before we even reached altitude. I missed the free snacks, drinks and movie. I suck.

We arrive in Atlanta, I am fairly rested, but still pretty tired. We were delayed in Denver because we had to de-ice the wings. Then we were delayed in Atlanta because of thunderstorms. By the time it was all over and done with, we had 20 minutes to make it from terminal B to terminal E. We were one of the last people on the plane. We arrive in Savannah 45 minutes later, only to find, again, our luggage has not made it onto our flight. I have never had my luggage not make it on any of my trips, and TWICE in one trip, our luggage has been "mishandled". At this point I didn't really care, we were home and the luggage could take as long as it wanted. It showed up around 3:00, we were in bed by 6:00 with the aid of that lovely Lunesta.

And here I am again, at work. It was a good vacation.
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