Thursday, April 19, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Firm Party (FINALLY)

About a month ago we had our St. Patrick's Day celebration here in the grand Savannah. It really is an event to behold! We had a record breaking 1.1 million people attend this year. It was absolutely amazing! Also, that number made us the biggest St. Patrick's Day celebration in the WORLD!!

The day before St. Patrick's Day my firm hosts a St. Patrick's Day party that rivals any fraternity parties I have been to. We (me, Larkin and our runner, Don) spend all day decorating the back parking lot, gathering up kegs, wine, ice and everything that is necessary to host this amazing event.

This year we bought three kegs of Harp (approximately 600 beers) and a case of wine for the event. We expected around 200 people to attend.

The party started at 4:00pm and by 7:00pm we had floated ALL. THREE. KEGS. Major emergency! I contacted the liquor store (a client of ours incidentally) where we bought the kegs, told them the devastating news and ordered another $300.00 worth of Harp in bottles (they were completely out of Harp kegs and out of taps for the other kegs they did have). They loaded them up and had them delivered to us in about 10 minutes. That is SERVICE right there.

The party continued on with Call the Cops performing, lots of dancing, more drinking. A rainstorm came along which moved our party to the front porch of the firm where we continued until 2:00am singing karaoke and finishing off all but two bottles of wine and two cases of Harp.

The next morning I woke up at 6:00am to start the party again, as we had to attend the parade, mingle with the tourists and drink more! We ended up crashing about 6:00pm and didn't wake up until 8:00am on Sunday. It is absolutely exhausting, but SO MUCH FUN! If ever any of you people want to come and celebrate one year, let me know!

Here are some pictures from the firm party (thanks Michelle and Whitney for the amazing photos!)


Michelle (and me giving away high fives apparently)

Michelle and Magan

Call The Cops

Whitney filming

Magan and Larkin



Larkin, Andy and Michelle

Larkin and Paul

Michelle and Andy

Call the Cops


Krystal and Me 


Smooth moves

Beer, check, wine, check, cookie, check!

Whitney and Krystal

Me and Oliver

Taking a brief nap and Boss Man Joe

Michelle and Shannon

Party People

Larkin, Whitney and Paul

Ander, Karaoke DJ Extraordinaire

Boss Man Joe singing it up

Dave (with ominous clouds approaching)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Good Stuff

A co-worker of mine brought to my attention this obituary:

If it wasn't big enough for your to read, you can also go here.

The first paragraph had me smiling, the part about watching deer and then by the third paragraph I was giggling non-stop. I can tell that I would REALLY have enjoyed knowing this guy and his family.

Bringing smiles even after your death is something that I hope to accomplish myself. Just not anytime soon.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Drugs and Texting

A good friend of mine had surgery on her ankle today...which then resulted in some AH-MAZING texts. If you ever have surgery, I EMPLOY you to text me. This was the highlight of my day!

(I am of the belief that her husband wrote the first text)

Just giving a quick thumbs up, surgery went well.

Me: Yay! So glad all is well! Let me know when you are lucid and all propped up comfy like.

Okay. Combfu yes. Lucid bot even xlise

Me: Wow. I think you have started typing in Japanese. Those appear to be some fantastic drugs. I will be right over so you can share that shit.

The magical uncorn is on my bed. Good drugs thru IV is the shit.

Me: This is cracking me up! So am I to bring my Pegasus right over?

yes please and a giant pizza and a cheesecake I'm starving for mouth-fodder

Me: Be there in a jiffy. I have to get Herbert, my Pegasus, some ice cream before we head out your way.

mmm herbefy I a swexy nMefor a horsey

Me: Double wow! I can't wait till you re read these texts. This is making my day!

Ii heart you, jess Marie you the shit. Iug yup were a song I would sing you like this.n...Jessica! Fuck yeah! Cominhg ti save the motherherfyckinh day ueahg!

Me: Aw, I heart you too! That was just about the most beautiful song I have ever heard! Set that to a beat and I think will have a mother fucking hit on your hands!

Ni really letter me get mushy for a hot minute and say I'm rraalkly bhaoppy we're friends. Yourrw the coolest chickk I know. Besidesc me..I'm pretty epic,gtoo. We're thre fucking rwonder twins. I go sleepy now.

Me: I accept your mushy with open arms and am so very glad we are friends! I am very much looking forward to December and seeing everyone again. You are pretty fucking epic. XOXO sleepy well.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Catching Up!

I have some fantastic photos to post for St. Patrick's Day...which was nearly a month ago. Can we say SLACKER!

I have been slammed at work which has significantly decreased my time to blog...which, of course, I ONLY do on my lunch break. o_O

To hold you over until I get a moment to get my St. Patrick's Day post in order, please observe today's "Crazy Things You See In Savannah"

Thank you Larkin for your stealth picture taking skills.
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