Thursday, March 8, 2012

St. Patrick's Day, Savannah, Georgia Style

Need to know the ins and outs of St. Patrick's Day in Savannah, Georgia...please, go here:

Our city swells by almost a million people. It is so delightful! We plan on this year will be like all the others before: firm party night before, wake up early, first beer popped by 9:18am and walk down to the parade.

In the years past we have always lived downtown, mere blocks from the activities. This year, we live 20 minutes down the road, there fore the planning is a little more extensive.

We usually park my car downtown, loaded with beer and ice, and then walked down to it and enjoyed the day. We hope to do that again this year, it will just require us driving the Jeep downtown, parking at the firm by 9:17am so we can get out and pop our first beer at 9:18am.

Oh the things to plan and do!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Drunk Text Message

The below is in the top five of favorite drunk text message I have EVER received. To make it even better, it wasn't even in a text message, it was in the messaging section of Words With Friends. All spelling, grammar, punctuation and capitalization is original:

Message 1) I’m drunk AND stoned ANDS drink and also SRTONED and also quite totally fucking drumk. oh…and cocked and a bit annihilated but akso stonjed out of my montherfuckinggours, wow, i am rambling in my state oif altered consciousness. If i was on acid right now I would be seeing floating pussies in my face. i know by now you are laughing cuz it’s like,,….tomorrow and shit and dwe’re sober. Thjta’ds my gift to you, m my friend.

Message 2) for the record i’m crying right now laughing at my own drunkenness/ II think i ned rehab like poor dead amy whinelhouse

Message 3) fuckkk that made me laugh ven harder, my stomach hurts make i stop

Message 4) damn, m you’re funny even qhen you’re not here

I seriously almost wet my pants when I read it...and then read it a few more times the next day and laughed then too...I do love my friends!
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