Monday, December 19, 2011

December Post!

I realize it has been quite a while since I posted; for that, I apologize.

It has been completely hectic for two months. Hell, in just the last week it has been nuts!

A co-worker of mine went in a couple months ago to have a tumor removed from her brain. Was to be a fairly simple operation, but it has turned into two strokes and around 3 months in the hospital. They weren't even able to completely remove the entire tumor. It is going to be a long road of recovery for her, but I know she will pull through.

Last week, Krystal's mom was having sharp headache pains and after suffering with them for about three days, finally was convinced that she should have an MRI. They found that she had a stroke (albeit, an old one) and has some kind of enlarged artery thing in her head. She had surgery on Saturday and should be getting out of the hospital today. On top of all that news, she was also diagnosed with emphysema and lung disease. I guess they saw that when they were doing a head/chest MRI. Anyway, they are just wanting to fix the headaches for now.

In the meantime, we have been having some fun! We are still bowling on Thursdays and we also had an Ugly Christmas Sweater/Outfit Party and Larkin's birthday was this past weekend.

First, Ugly Christmas Sweater/Outfit Party:

Your eyes do not deceive you. We are wearing our Forever Lazy's. (P.S. Have I mentioned, NEVER order from that website...)

And then this weekend, we went over to Larkin and Paul's to celebrate with beer and fire...and Krystal was still wearing her Forever Lazy.

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