Monday, January 24, 2011


This morning my brother, Joseph, called me from Puerto Rico to let me know that he and Analisa are EXPECTING!

Actually, he said, "Hey, Jess, Ana wanted to know if you preferred to be called Ant Jess, Auntie Jess or Antie Jess" (Of course, it is pronounced "Ant" around these here parts, so I am going to stick with that.) To which I said, "AHHHH!! YAY!!!!!!" which, BELIEVE ME, it takes ALOT to get that kind of reaction at 9:00am. A White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks can do it too.

I can't decide which of these to buy. Maybe all of them.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Thursday Thinkings


Bobz decided NOT to take the store in Albany, so for the moment, we are not going to be going Bobzless. **whew**

HOWEVER, Krystal and I ARE going to be getting a place of our own at the end of this lease. No worries though...we will still be in the same city and for those of you that see us on our yearly trek up north (or those that we add to the list to visit this year) Bobz will still be taking vacations with us. Crisis averted.

OH! People...I really must speak about Little Big Planet 2. I cannot get enough of that video game. It reminds me of when Super Mario Bros first came out, you know, when the gaming console of the future looked like this:

I still have my ORIGINAL Nintendo NES by the way. Yes, you still have to blow in the game cartridges to get it to work. I tried to play it on our 42" LCD and though it was impressive to see Mario that tall, the graphics...O.M. to the G...I couldn't even get past how bad they looked on that TV. Where was I going with...OH YEAH, LBP 2. Totally addicted to that game. It is BEYOND fun...and adorable! On Saturday, you will be able to find me, KK and Bobz all lined up on the couch, controllers in hand, playing the Little Big Planet 2. And somewhere around 1:00pm - 3:00pm the beer will come out and THEN that is when the giggles REALLY start getting loud. It really is entertaining!

(DEBBIE E!!! Get out and buy it damn it!)

I have been having dreams about being preggers and giving birth lately. A little while back I was pregnant, but carrying the baby for my friends Larkin and Paul. As soon as I had the baby (details of the birth were not detailed in this dream) I was immediately pregnant again with my own. Like 8 months pregnant. No waiting around in MY dreams.

Last night I was giving birth, but it was deceptively NOT painful in my dream. I already had a little boy and I birthed another little boy. Me and Krystal were trying to come up with a name for him. She wanted Kaycee or something like that and I was like UM, hell NAW. Anyway, as with my pregnancies, there was no real time, this kid was suddenly 6 months old and we are still calling him "kid" cause we hadn't come up with a name. Don't they make you come up with a name by the time you leave the hospital?

It's bowling night, bitches! Last week I was quite fantastic for my bowling self! I had a 140 something the first game (AMAZING for me) and 101 my second game (still WAY awesome for me to break 100) and my last game was in the 140's as well. I think I had the perfect mixture of beer and sober. May not be as lucky tonight as I hear the firm is having a "meeting" about the planning of our St. Patrick's Day party. When I say "meeting" I mean massive amounts of drinking at our local Irish pub. Standard operating procedure goes something like this:

"So, we are having a St. Patrick's Day Party, what should we do?"

"Eat, drink, have a band, sing, dance."

"OK, meeting adjured, let's drink"

Any excuse, people, any excuse. We have had "meetings" to discuss the next time we should have a "meeting".

Too bad I didn't do this post on Random Tuesday, because it was totally random.

ONE MORE THING: my friend Mark just started up his new blog. He used to be our resident teenager and then he went and turned 20 and stuff. As I peruse his first blog there I notice two things...he needs to work on his paragraph spacing and subject matter. What is this downer crap about being mugged...seriously, he doesn't even spice up the part about his black eye. It is TOTALLY awesome. So even though he has some work to do on his blogging skills, if we all follow him and pressure him enough his blog has some major potential!

Monday, January 10, 2011


One of my simple entertainments in life is perusing our local Sheriff Office's mug shots. Sadly, we do see a lot of our friends on there. Anywho, I almost spit my coffee out when I saw this guy:

Cause all I could think of was:


Friday, January 7, 2011

Featuring Friday

The new year is upon us!

We celebrated in high fashion - beer, shots and fireworks. Tybee Island has a long standing tradition of a fantastic fireworks on the beach, which did not disappoint this year.

Me, Krystal, Bobby and Krystal's Mom made a night of it and stumbled in around 2:00am. We promptly arose at 9:00am, slithered through a bit of a hangover, went home, took a shower and were back at it again by 1:00pm with bottomless mimosas at our local Wild Wing Cafe.

Needless to say, getting back to the work week has been a bit rough.

In other news, Bobby has been offered his own store in Albany, Georgia and will be heading there next week to check the store out and do a trial run. It appears that this is a sure thing, the only things left to figure out is our lease and how to manage utilities with just me and Krystal there. Our budget it set up to split things 3 ways, utilities being a large portion of that. All will work out in the end though. His company is willing to buy out his lease...

Krystal and I were already looking to get our own place at the end of our lease in June, it just looks like it might happen a bit sooner now.

The catch is to find a place, be able to afford all the deposits AND have someone rent our current place all around the same time. That can be a little rough to coordinate.

No worries though...can't make it happen any faster or different having mini strokes over the "what if" scenarios!

That is about all that is going on! I will have more information for you in the next week!

In the meantime, this is the property we are hoping to procure!!

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