Thursday, August 9, 2007

Stupid Nice People

Yesterday I was laying on the couch watching TV at about 8:00 or so and I kept hearing that damn car alarm on that truck going off. I was already not really feeling that great, so I decided that since I about to leave and go and get dessert anyway, that I may as well write him that note I have been talking about. This is what it looked like.

So I am locking up the abode and I start waltzing over to the truck when I noted that he is actually at his which I then turned around and started walking to my car. I got in the car and thought for a moment to myself. I said, "Self, this thing has been bugging you for weeks. You have been writing blogs about it for chrissake! It must be important to you...get it over with" So I did. (Self is very smart)

I rolled up beside him, brakes squeeking and all...I really need to get those fixed...they totally blew my roll up cool, calm and collected approach. I rolled down the passengers side window and said, "EXCUSE ME!", in my most authoritative tone. He turned around and smiled.

So I smiled back and said, "Is there ANYway you could POSSIBLY adjust that sensor on your truck?" He said, "No, and I am SO sorry...I hate it too! I try and turn it off from the window when I hear it, but my truck has been broken into before, so you know, I need to keep the alarm on there" To which I really wanted to reply, "Well wholelottagood it is doing going off every three seconds, how do you know when someone is really breaking in?".

But I didn't. He was TOO FREAKIN NICE! So I just said, "Ok, good enough. Have a good evening!"

By the way, he was much cuter and younger than I thought. I felt like I was talking to one of my brothers, so I just couldn't be mean to the lil tyke.

So I guess that is the end of that. I will forever be haunted by car alarms and Tocoma trucks. Tis my lot in life I guess.

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